Donations for a Better World
Greenhill Humane Society operates animal shelters in both Eugene and Springfield OR. Their programs include animal adoptions, reuniting lost animals with their families, crisis care for mistreated animals, medical support and so much more!

The Native Wellness Institute was created to support the overall wellbeing of Native people through programs and trainings that embrace the teaching and traditions of Indigenous Ancestors. Native Wellness promotes the healthy relationships, youth & adult leadership and development, workplace wellness, community, and so much more.

Food for Lane County is dedicated to reducing hunger by engaging our community to create access to food. They collect, grown, rescue, solicitate, prepare, and package food to distribute it throughout the local community through a variety of human service agencies.

The Egan Warming Center operates in Oregon's colder months, specifically when the temperature drops below freezing (30 Degrees). The volunteers here work closely with those experiencing homlessness to provide a safe and warm stay.

Naya Family Center celebrates a connected and multi-cultural community grounded in tradition. Naya creates a place for the indigenous families of portland to gather and live the values of their unique and beautiful culture. They provide a wide range of opportunities including but not limited to, cultural identity support, life long education plans, elimination of poverty and violence.

The White Bird Clinic provids mobile crisis intervension 24/7 through a variety of different services including crisis counceling, suicide prevention, conflict resolution, substance abuse, and first aid & non-emergency medical care. They serve as a non-violent police alternative for the Eugene and Springfield area.